Sunday, August 26, 2012

HUMBLE BEAUTY Campaign Update

Great News!
HUMBLE BEAUTY’s distributor, American Public Television, took a vote of its member stations (public TV stations all over the country) to see if they wanted to air the film. We needed 25 stations to say YES. We got 66 stations! And 19 more said maybe. So it’s definite now. APT has sent a deal memo. If we can raise the money to re-edit the film, make it conform to PBS’s standards, extend the music rights, etc.-- by our September 15 deadline -- national distribution will happen for HUMBLE BEAUTY. Thank you APT member stations!
New Video
There are new videos in the Gallery including “How To Get To Skid Row” with the fascinating, moving stories of how very different people from varying backgrounds became homeless and wound up in Skid Row. They were at the bottom of their lives and gradually the simple act of making art transformed them, helped them reclaim their lives. They reinvented themselves, recognized their own innate talents, and found a reason to live. We think you’ll find it compelling. Please share it with friends! You can watch it by clicking the “Gallery” tab when you go to:

While you’re there make sure to look through the images. Many of the paintings you’ll see are being offered as prints for your contribution. You’ll also notice we have a donation level for every budget, so if you haven’t supported the film yet, take a look at what awaits you when you do.

The Blogosphere is talking about us!
Many writers are spreading the HUMBLE BEAUTY story on their blogs including a behind-the-scenes interview with the producer/directors of the film. Here are some of the links you may want to read & share with friends:
  • Interview with HUMBLE BEAUTY directors Judith Vogelsang and Letitia Schwartz on Extra, Interview with filmmakers
  • Call to Support the Campaign, Writing without Paper
  • LA community support, Studio City Patch: Arts & Entertainment 
Tweet, Tweet
And we now have a TWITTER ACCOUNT: @HumbleBeautyDoc. Follow us and send us a tweet! We’d love to hear from you.

Thank you
HUMBLE BEAUTY: Skid Row Artists is into week three of its Indiegogo crowdfunding campaign. Donations have come from all over the country and we are thrilled at the generous support. We want to thank all of you who have expressed support, written to us, helped to spread the word through your own networks, and generously donated on the Indiegogo site. We deeply appreciate it. With friends like you, we will reach our goal and HUMBLE BEAUTY will be screening on public television stations across the country!

HUMBLE BEAUTY is a fiscally-sponsored project of From the Heart Productions, a 501(c)(3) non-profit organization. Special thanks to Carole Dean, head of From the Heart Productions, who has been fiscally sponsoring deserving films since 1992.

Saturday, August 4, 2012

Friday, August 3, 2012

HUMBLE BEAUTY will air nationally on PBS stations this Fall -- with your help! American Public Television, the main programming service for public television stations, has accepted HUMBLE BEAUTY for national distribution.  This is a dream-come-true!  However, there is no payment to the filmmakers for this privilege and there are many, many expenses to get the film ready for PBS standards.  We have to re-edit the film, extend music rights, buy broadcast insurance and pay for publicity, just to name a few.

We've launched a crowdfunding campaign to help pay for the costs.  There are great donor prizes from DVDs, T-shirts and original artwork to Tours of Skid Row and Your Name on the Credits!  Click to see our pitch video, our text description and the many images of the stunning artwork from the Skid Row artists.  We hope it inspires to you donate.  All contributions are TAX DEDUCTIBLE thanks to our non-profit fiscal sponsor, From The Heart Productions.

We realize many people cannot donate and still want to support the film.  You can help by spreading the word to friends, family, colleagues and other like-minded people who appreciate the film's empowering theme:  art transforms lives.  Post our link on Facebook, Twitter, wherever you hang out on line and put in a good word for HUMBLE BEAUTY.  You can include our website too,, where there are videos and more info about the film and the artists.

Check out our campaign site on IndieGoGo!