Monday, May 9, 2011

What HUMBLE BEAUTY is about

An hour documentary that tells the story of a group of talented homeless and formerly homeless fine arts painters who live and create their art in the worst area of LA . It's also about the ubiquity of art in human life. People strive to make art no matter how difficult the circumstances and in return art transforms their lives. It's a window into a rarely seen world, people on the fringes of society often invisible to most Americans.

For four years, we followed the lives and progress of several artists from LA's Skid Row, the homeless capital of America. We used several techniques to tell the stories including cinema verite, interviews and narration. Spontaneous moments from their lives, intimate interviews, their fascinating life stories, their evolving artwork and life's progress are documented. We meet oil, acrylic and watercolor painters, charcoal, pen and crayon sketchers and collage makers. Some artists find their art supplies in garbage cans and dumpsters. They draw on old paper bags. Many have joined art workshops led by dedicated and remarkable artist/social workers and are given paint, canvases, frames, easels and the technical, creative and supportive guidance to create stunning, often therapeutic works of art. Several of these art workshop members have shown --and sold -- their work in downtown Los Anglees galleries. Their tight-knit Skid Row community nourishes their artistic abilities.

Art changed their lives dramatically. One woman told us that coming to the workshop was the only reason she has for getting up in the morning. A directionless hustler has become a known painter and active community leader. A shy immigrant who creates, in classic primitive style, riotously colorful scenes from his childhood in a tiny Mexican village has suffered a set-back. He's been admitted to art school at the University of California, Berkeley and awarded a scholarship but can't attend due to his immigration status. One artist was a 12-year old runaway from an Oklahoma Indian Reservation in 1941 and has been on the streets of Skid Row ever since. Art has given their lives meaning and a reason for existence. There are many stories among the artists of LA's Skid Row to bring to the attention of a wide audience.

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